Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He had himself lowered down the face of the Rock, exactly as you did.
Something small and black was being lowered down right by its ear.
After the song, she was then lowered down the main stage.
Some advise to lower down to starting position slowly and with control.
Then followed the business of lowering down all the goods.
The small sphere lowered down to him until It was on a level with his eyes.
The next cell to mine, lower down, was possibly empty.
The second boat was then lowered down and allowed to settle.
Several of the engines were lowered down on the ice and there worked by the men.
She gets lowered down onto the main stage and starts to sing.
The coffin had to be lifted up one of these, and lowered down the other.
I wonder if this is the place where the crates are brought, and lowered down to the water.
"If the headquarters orders people lower down to do something, well, this is an organization.
The box was lowered down from the landing platform, and three men followed it.
The New Inn lower down on the left is no longer a pub.
In winters the temperature can lower down to -3 Celsius.
Being lowered down the well on a rope was frightening and made her cry, she said.
Smoke followed the group as they were lowered down on to individual podiums.
Then all Matt could see was the floor; but he felt the great sword lowering down, to rest on his shoulder.
I didn't want to be lowered down to the ground, in front of my friends, so I stepped up.
Tony had to be lowered down the steep slope to the level of the beach!
Jack shook his head, stepped forward, and slowly lowered down the sail.
It was the rope which the basket had been lowered down on that saved him.
One member was given oxygen apparatus and lowered down the shaft again.