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If that had happened, the loyal users might have been more accepting of the product.
I'm a loyal user of Firefox and was wondering if there's any truth in this.
I have no doubt that with feedback and loyal users, they'll each develop into very cool tools.
Companies realize that stockholders are more likely than other consumers to be loyal users of their products.
I was a loyal user for well over 12 years, but there's been a shift and there's no going back.
As the first Web site of its kind to grab the headlines, the system has already developed a large and loyal user base.
At its peaks under Jobs, it sold its loyal users an image of themselves.
"Some have developed into solid products with loyal users.
This won't worry many at the paper, since the whole strategy is about courting fewer, more loyal users.
Please take note of these comments and don't lose contact with these loyal users.
The notes for one doctor suggested an expectation that those offered an arrangement where they helped design a device would become loyal users.
Several local libraries, moreover, have reported receiving unusually large gifts this year, often from the estates of people who were loyal users.
For a modest time of 3 years, the agency has broadcast over 100 thousand posts and thousands of loyal users.
It used to be that perfume makers were content to roll out a scent or two every decade, hoping to draw loyal users.
Even loyal users, the kind who once wore Apple's rainbow logo as a badge of honor, have begun to drift away.
The injunction had been stayed in the meantime, allowing Napster's millions of loyal users to download an estimated three billion songs last month alone.
More than any other newspapers in the world, the NYT has a huge base of loyal users.
Some cities boast as many as half a dozen full-blown Web sites clamoring for a share of local advertising, media support and loyal users.
Because Quicken's loyal users are the first to jump into on-line banking, the program has attracted more banks than any other software package.
"We'd rather have loyal users who use Google products because they're innovative -not because they lock users in," said today's announcement.
"You can think of this as a long-term strategy to retain loyal users, rather than the short-term strategy of making it hard for people to leave."
One way of 'stealing' another company's loyal users is to tempt them into using your product by way of a massive discount.
And it has several innovations meant to put new life into online chat rooms and other communications areas that have been important to its most loyal users.
Mr. Clayton said: "The coat doesn't threaten our core loyal user, who has to understand we're continuing to be who we are.
Excite@Home will pay up to $1 billion to acquire, a privately held electronic greeting card company with little revenue but millions of loyal users.