The Paleoindians were semi-nomadic people who lived in smaller groups.
They were a semi-nomadic people, trained for war.
They were semi-nomadic tribal people living from agriculture.
These semi-nomadic peoples domesticated wheat, barley, sheep, goat and cattle.
The Maasai are semi-nomadic people, who use the land to the north of the mountain to graze their cattle.
Swartbooisdrift is populated by 150 - 300 semi-nomadic people of Himba and Herero descent, depending on the season.
It was named after the Pechenegs, a semi-nomadic Turkic people who settled in this place in the 10th/11th century.
One, the strongheart halflings, are a semi-nomadic people who move from town to town within their nation in the south of Faerûn.
The Mi'kmaq were a semi-nomadic people who followed seasonal food sources.
In the afternoon we visit a Himba tribe, a semi-nomadic people living in scattered settlements throughout the region.