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See if you can put the machinery back in order.
But the question of machinery is a very important issue.
I wanted to see how the machinery of the Church worked.
They have men, money and machinery going for them too.
You know how to work the policy and political machinery within the Administration.
Today, only about 10 men are needed to run the machinery.
In practice, anyone who has such machinery is king of the world.
The machinery took up half the space in the little building.
He had, after all, spent most of his life working with and around machinery.
The way they make them now, you can get at most of the machinery from the top.
We used machinery, which is why it took less time.
Why should I give anyone a free shot at my thinking machinery?
Was there really something wrong with her machinery after all?
And at that moment all the machinery in the room came to life.
Do you not know that the only use of machinery is to break down?
It would take a few hours to get all the men and machinery in place.
Without legal support, the machinery of death cannot go forward.
The department says the machinery will not be available until June 1989 or later.
Iraq says the machinery is designed for its oil industry.
"He knows more about machinery than all of us put together."
You get the feeling that the whole thing is machinery.
Another part is to take debate outside the party machinery.
He had the air of a man who has been caught in the machinery.
He turned in his seat, but now something had gone wrong with the machinery.
"How much did the little piece of machinery cost you?"