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At once the mafioso put him out of mind, already moving on to other more important things.
You know that and every Mafioso in the world knows it.
The players never know which way any of the mafioso voted.
Every mafioso knows perfectly well, when all is said and done, where his power comes from.
When the time came to ease the mafioso out of the picture, it would be easy.
The Mafioso glanced at the number and passed it back.
"They might even become convinced that you are not a Mafioso, after all!"
He is an old school mafioso, known to murder people with his bare hands.
For instance, a mafioso will not call the police when he is a victim of a crime.
"I'd say he looks like a retired Mafioso, if there was such a thing."
He never fit the description of what a Mafioso was supposed to be.
"Not even for the life of your own Mafioso?"
The big Mafioso waved back as he disappeared through the doorway.
The latter is an American mafioso who owns a transport company.
He has money problems and owes 10,000 dollars to a mafioso named Tony.
Even for a powerful Mafioso life could be dangerous.
He became a Mafioso success, pretending to be a nobleman.
"You're thinking it's maybe the mafioso running stolen goods or something.
As a mafioso, you have to be an elitist.
He may have been the oldest mafioso the law ever tried to bring to trial on organized crime charges.
"I can explain about the piece," the mafioso said, his voice quavering.
The Mafioso who had killed her lay not more than a meter away, broken and bleeding.
This is because a mafioso can only either succeed at an act of violence or fail utterly.
With one answer the mafioso had placed himself within a large circle of potential informers.