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What maggot had got into his mind over this baby?
Sometimes it moved a little as the maggots did their work.
If you mean to move, maggot, this is your only chance.
When he gave his name old Maggot ordered him off.
The other one been dead so long he got maggots coming out his nose.
Moreover, the maggots are too big to be 2 hours old.
For example, maggots move directly away from a light source.
Not even dead yet and already being used for maggot bait.
I will not have them laughing at me, those little men with maggots for eyes.
If only a few maggots are present, they can be removed by hand.
He'd put a couple of maggots on a small hook.
The maggots had been at her for a long time."
The dozen or so in white made me think of maggots on a dead dog.
It was wrong to keep the dead alive, like maggots under the skin.
Maggot therapy is now used in more than 300 sites across the country.
And I know the game of the hell's maggots under our feet this minute.
Years later, he realized the maggots had saved his life, too.
The poor little story had it that the maggots died of shock.
"You got to admire maggots", the man in the next bed said.
"Have you ever looked in the bottom of a garbage can and seen maggots?"
After a while you've got to empty it, or you're going to have maggots on the brain.
Their place was with the maggots, and he didn't really want to go there.
Maggot used to be quite friendly with Merry and me.
For the health of the victim, all maggots should be removed, if possible.
Over 4,000 therapists are using maggot therapy in 20 countries.