Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Even now, American companies are not in the mainstream of the market.
They are all working people, trying to make their way into the mainstream of American life.
"These people need help, to get into the mainstream of American education."
But the mainstream has changed a lot in the past few years.
But just how far out of the Chinese mainstream are they?
Society simply had not included people who were different in the mainstream of life.
This moved the theory into the mainstream of social science.
He also said that students at the religious schools "should be brought into the mainstream of society."
But making high fashion mainstream seems to have been the point.
However, they had little effect on the mainstream of Conservative thinking.
They also bring gender issues into the mainstream of the development process.
I've heard about the future before, and I never placed myself in the mainstream of it.
It helps to put everyone in the mainstream of life.
Mainstream is, generally, the common current thought of the majority.
"This was how they entered the mainstream of American life."
"I want to get back in the mainstream of life.
"It must be brought into the mainstream of international life.
"They're trying to blend in by making the mainstream more like them."
But they are experiments, the mainstream will make its own way, as it always has done.
At first, being out of the mainstream is a simple adjustment.
But the so-called mainstream has not caught up with the change.
Some questions were answered at least by the mainstream of those who spoke.
A new language is often needed for those who feel outside the mainstream of Western fashion and culture.
Earlier integration into mainstream has been noted when children begin young.