They say it cost him most of his family fortune to pay the woman off.
The family fortune was in the neighborhood of five million dollars.
Even after her father got a new job, the family fortunes did not improve much because he couldn't hold onto his money.
They say their family fortune has been destroyed by the case.
They were both rich with her father and Robert no longer alive to share the family fortune.
The family fortune was lost when his affluent father died.
He died in 1884 which led to the demise of the family fortune.
Our family fortune is hidden so well that even we cannot find it.
Her husband had reportedly spent the entire family fortune by the time of this death.
The family fortune declined in the early 1920s and the house was sold.
In 1829, he inherited the family estate upon his father's death.
In 1604, he succeeded to the family estate on the death of his father.
They continued as part of the family estate until 1955.
In 1810, he returned home to help his father run the family estate.
It was like looking through a window in the old family estate.
He succeeded to the family estate on the death of his father in 1571.
To my family estate in Connecticut, or what's left of it.
They all live together on a family estate, in an area where higher education for women is almost impossible.
He sold off most of the family estate in 2007.
Actually, the family estates were a ways north of here.