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Information on the management system and on the organisation of the establishment with a view to major accident prevention.
The requirements for major accident prevention should also cover the closure and post-closure of waste facilities.
The directive obliges the operator of these facilities to put in place a major accident prevention policy, a safety management system and internal emergency plans.
The drawing up by each operator of a document setting out an effective major accident prevention policy is of the utmost importance.
This directive obliges operators of establishments having dangerous substances within certain threshold limits to establish a major accident prevention policy.
Lower tier establishments are required to document a Major Accident Prevention Policy which should be signed off by the managing director.
The term is used in EU major accident prevention legislation, socalled Seveso II.
The Parliamentary Assembly believes that appropriate legislation on the siting of industrial plants is a vital precondition for an effective major accident prevention and limitation policy.
They will also require Major Accident Prevention Policies (MAPPs) for a range of less hazardous installations.
Regulation 5 requires lower-tier operators to prepare a document setting out their policy for preventing major accidents (a major accident prevention policy or MAPP).
There is also an introductory sheet, and for major hazard sites, guidance on human factors in Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP).
The measures in the proposal complement those outlined in the Seveso II Directive and include the establishment of a major accident prevention policy and a safety management system.
Low-risk establishments and installations88 are required to enclose the following documentation with their application: - an assessment of the major accident risks; - a report on their major accident prevention policy.
Lower Tier emergency planning needs to taken into account in the Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and the Safety Management System (SMS).
III.15 John Bibbings agreed to obtain a statement on the fire fighting aspects of CSG's "major accident prevention plan", in particular COMAH reg 2(1).
Additional requirements are imposed in relation to certain ('major accident hazard') pipelines, including notification to HSE of specified information, preparation of a major accident prevention document and drawing up emergency procedures.
The issue of training is already appropriately addressed in the Directive; moreover, in the event of modifications, the reviews of the major accident prevention policy and the safety management system are important, not the notification.
This report provides a review of current practice, a view of what comprises good practice in the field of competence assessment in relation to major accident prevention, and a body of advice , checklists and examples of assessment.
Bea said during questioning by Robert Cunningham, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, that he had told BP that "money isn't everything" and that incentives for major accident prevention should be on equal footing with incentives for profits.
Regulation 5 calls for the preparation of a "Major Accident Prevention Policy"(MAPP) which is "designed to guarantee a high level of protection for persons and the environment" - this policy has not been reviewed by SAAG.
The regulations require operators to formulate a major accident prevention policy and also to notify the competent authority at the start of the construction of a plant handling scheduled chemicals and at the end, when the plant is being decommissioned or the chemicals are no longer present on site.