Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This is also the place that leads up to the Makai Forest.
The Makai community has no recorded history and his movements have no records.
That feature, however, was never mentioned by the Makai Priests.
Elda was the only known Makai Guide of her time.
Many Makai Knights had fallen to this weapon before.
Even after being defeated by a Makai Knight, a Horror does not truly die.
It is also her dream to one day rebuild the former training ground and stay permanently as an instructor of Makai Priests-to-be.
Many Makai Knights and Priests died keeping the horde at bay that day.
The Watchdogs always mail letters to dispatch the Makai Knights.
It is they who usually detect Horror activities and inform the Makai Knight of their missions.
Though very rare, they are indeed a few Makai Priests capable of using Soul Metal weapons.
He ironically hates Makai Knights more than Horrors.
Ireland was under a table with Dan Steepleton and Makai Hall when they were shot in the knees.
About Makai Inc.
After Jabi has been resurrected, she trains Rin in her Makai magic skills.
Her frailty gave him the drive to become a stronger person, to protect her as he trained to become a Makai Knight.
One method used by most Makai Knights is having the Horror's essence extracted and reduced to a dagger.
To ensure it could eat without interference, it erects a barrier to put any Makai Knight at a disadvantage.
The Makai Knights are usually informed by a letter called "Orders Document" that is mailed to them.
Among her victims are untold numbers of Makai Knights who came to slain her, only to be defeated and devoured.
A Makai Priest can control one using his or her brush and it is capable of spitting Madō Fire.
The Shadowfolks are a sub-community within the Makai community, consists of both Knights and Priests.
Madōgu contain the spirit of a Horror that holds no enmity towards humanity and has pledged its loyalty the Makai order.
Eventually, Ail and Ann are defeated, see the error of their ways, and return to space with the Makai Tree.
Following Ultimate Crush, Makai Club for the most part went to the midcard and would only receive a few more title shots afterwards.