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They spilled glue on his chair in the make-up room.
The school does feature a make-up room, dressing rooms, and a black box.
But the pale complexion will be masked in the make-up room.
The make-up room for season 6 had more mirrors and seating than previous seasons.
Including the test shootings, Bilginer spent a total of 40 hours in the make-up room.
"This looks like a suitable make-up room," he said grimly.
In the make-up room there are two, two-way mirrors, which the girls do not know about and believe that its a private mirror.
She found the make-up room and went in, a faint smile playing about her lips as she looked round.
The make-up room features early 20th century furniture.
She was escorted to the make-up room, from which she emerged an hour later as another person entirely.
An actress preparing herself in her make-up room), as the video progresses, these people look up at the camera and their eyes turn completely black.
Karpf believed that the make-up room is her favorite and has an "industrial-feel".
She walked into the make-up room, then stopped in her tracks at the sight of Marianne sitting in the chair before the mirror.
He reportedly spent six hours per day in the make-up room to achieve the character's hideously disfigured appearance.
He walked along the corridor with her, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze as they parted at the make-up room door.
When they arrive at the make-up room, Lisa goes in first, and she finds Georgia writing in the book.
If you'd told me this in the make-up room when you came to have your hair cut, you'd have saved yourself a needless journey.
In the make-up room she collapsed into a chair, dropping her head into her hands and groaning heavily.
Welcoming the leaders of all the main parties to the television studios, Luuk conducted them to the make-up room chatting informally.
In her letters to the loved ones she admitted 'I don't like the stage and I'm bored in make-up room.
The studios use the most developed technology and feature all supporting service facilities including wardrobes, make-up rooms and offices.
He performs to an absent audience, and Ronnie Spector is seen in a make-up room during cutaways.
Then we went upstairs to the make-up room and Mr Wogan came to say a quick hello, which is his custom, I believe.
If I remember correctly, the woman I held in my arms back in that little make-up room didn't put up more than a token fight.'