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The resort has snow making capacity for 98 percent of its trails.
Standard-Triumph had by then a shortage of body making capacity and this led them to buy the company in 1958.
Military war is out of the question as it would destroy what is so prized - the profits making capacity.
This body, it was felt, was necessary to act as a legislative filter to the Authority in its law making capacity.
You're the first person to ask about our boiler making capacity in, golly, must be forty years."
It was crude but effective: Germany's war making capacity was held back and eventually crippled.
The mountain has many high efficiency snow guns and annually add to the snow making capacity.
Its goal being forming leaders with decision making capacities that drive companies and people to have a better positioning with strategic sales.
Subsequently, its steel making capacity was enhanced to 2 million tonnes and added many units to the facility.
The challenge for the Board was to use this initial seed capital to increase the Foundation's resources and grant making capacity.
The steel making capacity and railways for carrying steel products were obvious targets.
During that time, employees closest to the product and costumer began to have increasing decision making capacities and capabilities.
It also provides significant car making capacity in important markets like the United States and Mexico where Renault is not much present.
Risoul is looking to increase snow making capacity but there are limits to water resources in the dry Southern Alps.
She was eventually promoted into a decision making capacity and kept the betterment and welfare of all peoples in the forefront of her concerns.
The Sematech member companies collectively account for 80 percent of all computer-chip making capacity in the United States.
What is more, as the proportion of older vessels increases, the time consumed by breakdowns and overhauls rises, making capacity even tighter and raising rates.
Unfortunately, the new government of Bangladesh failed to utilize the organizational and public opinion making capacity of Bhashani.
At 973, 000 tons of steel making capacity a year, it was nowhere near the massive steel plants of Homestead or Gary.
Meanwhile, many patients who have lost decision making capacity and their family members suffer unnecessarily because health care decisions cannot be made in accordance with the patient's wishes or best interests.
He also has published on psychosocial treatments as well as certain bioethical aspects of research (particularly decision making capacity and methods for enhancing it) among older people with psychotic disorders.
Coherence within the economic union requires a decision making capacity such that the determination of policy at Community level avoids inefficient overlapping and contradictions in the various aspects of economic policy.
Certain of the obsolete rolling mills would also be closed down and the overall works steel making capacity would be reduced to about 900 000 tons of liquid steel/annum.
This theory was developed directly from a close study of the evolution of words and meaning, starting with the relation between the primitive mind's myth making capacity, and the formation of words.
A key figure in the development of the Royal Air Force, Trenchard advocated the use of aircraft to destroy an enemy's war making capacity, a view influential in developing Britain's strategic bombing of Germany during the Second World War.