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He had never before seen such cold malignity on a man's face.
Perhaps it accounted for a good deal of his malignity.
There was a black malignity inside her that filled him with contempt.
The swamp had been bad, but there was something almost honest about its malignity.
Heavens knows to what lengths their malignity will then carry them!
But the very malignity which he saw was excited against these poor girls made him take a serious resolution.
The collection, I assure you, was an object lesson in human malignity.
The dead eyes of the spider looked at him with mad, frozen malignity.
In spite of my malignity, it softened and attracted me.
To raise the future inevitably provokes the malignity of the past.
There was a cold malignity about her that froze me to the marrow.
Malignity has to be invited into a neutral space.
Or perhaps the Guide reserved his horror and malignity for those who feared.
But nobody really liked her: malignity commands respect, not liking.
"Of this ghost it is well not to speak lest our attention reinforce his malignity."
The stink of malignity rose from her skin like cheap perfume.
Not for speaking the truth as I have done, but because you two, with devilish malignity, did my darling to death.
But the sparks of eyes-the malignity in them was like a physical blow.
The city, and the French Quarter particularly, was protecting itself from outside malignity.
His attitude was the embodiment of a terrific, uncontrolled malignity.
They will not work without the juice of his brooding and overbearing malignity.
She shuddered at the malignity expressed in Miller's words.
The Holocaust, a symbol of pure malignity, is one of this number.
"What it lacks is any strong sense of the character's inveterate malignity," he observed.
The old man ground his teeth, and I saw an extraordinary expression of malignity light up his eyes.