Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Does it add an acre to any man's estate, or raise its value?
That every man, when he comes to man's estate, shall be free to marry.
"I think we can squeeze it from the old man's estate.
He had grown to man's estate on the land.
The man's estate is being contested by his two widows.
"Didn't the partnership papers turn up when the old man's estate was settled?"
It gave me a distinct impression that he might be willing to pass up his share of the old man's estate.
They steal a truck of wood from a rich man's estate and distribute it around to need families.
One of the executors for the old man's estate.
As always, the President, once done with moralizing about man's estate, descended to practical politics.
Ever since he arrived at man's estate Gussie had been losing his head over creatures.
Moreover, according to the will of record, they all stand to gain a healthy bequest from the old man's estate.
Another source indicates the name means "fighting man's estate."
Word leaked out, the family got scared, and the money got added to the old man's estate.
Rich man's estate out in the middle of nowhere."
Look at the matter in this way:-In respect of a man's estate, do you see any greater evil than poverty?
Put another way, puritan values helped to create an audience receptive to programs for the improvement of man's estate.
All life is brief, and frail all man's estate.
"And who are the two noble portly figures accompanying her, now grown to man's estate?
I have come legally to man's estate.
This moment of decision, coming truly and literally like a bolt out of the blue, had thrust him into man's estate before his time.
Batman becomes entangled in a battle over who should inherit a murdered man's estate.
The narrator inherits the man's estate and, knowing he can never be caught, enjoys the benefits of his murderous act for many years.
'When I am grown to man's estate I shall be very proud and great.
As a reward, Sarnac gains the wealthy man's estates.