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No one, however, denied that the political manhandling had taken place.
You haven't even said a word about punishment yet, and all I've seen so far is a manhandling of the girl who stopped this!
She hadn't wanted him to suffer by their manhandling.
The only actual violence was the manhandling of a young pickpocket whose skills had failed him.
A pitchfork, brought down by his prior manhandling of the bales.
Shameless manhandling of the vocabulary can also yield a scientific aura.
Usually it's White who does the manhandling.
My judgment is that frog-march is not limited to the manhandling of French people.
"All that manhandling of ballots is not good.
In October 1949 a "secret society problem" developed where three high school fraternities were involved in the "manhandling of a girl student."
"You can't make me beheve that a little manhandling, or even some serious torture, would put you off your feed."
Where the Pentagon can be faulted is for its participation in the diplomatic manhandling of Turkey.
"As for the manhandling, well, I know where I can get a phaser on short notice."
And it's an asset that none of the 31 actors are gifted singers; most of these lyrics need a little manhandling.
As if his manhandling of the captain moments ago had been forgotten, he casually introduced the other members of his group.
"Worf stated that Stone seemed particularly irate over the praedor's manhandling of you.
Several people were wounded by so-called rubber bullets, batons or general manhandling, including working journalists, some of whom are themselves immigrants.
If Corneille gets the short end, he is so rarely performed in English these days that charges of literary manhandling are probably beside the point.
After the 30-10 manhandling in Oakland on Sunday, Pennington gave no signs that he would brood.
Al simply did not have the emotional makeup to withstand the bullying, the manhandling, the mental boot camp that was supposed to prepare him for life.
What is most shocking about the ads is not their misuse of public funds, but their manhandling of the truth.
The men who hope to succeed the mayor are all conciliatory figures; we will have no more smashing of temples and manhandling of priests.
The manhandling of journalists accompanying Ms. Rice got more coverage than any massacre in Darfur has.
The evening's tour de force, however, was the manhandling of Act II of "Tosca."
There is no better example of this than what happened before the Steelers' manhandling of the Baltimore Ravens last week.