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He was an expert on the theory and use of manometers.
The pressure drop across the bed is measured by a similar manometer.
At the moment the manometer indicated that we were not more than twenty feet from the surface.
Usually the snow pillow will be connected to a manometer.
A manometer uses the weight of the liquid to indicate air pressure.
The open end of the manometer is then connected to a pressure measuring device.
The manometer was wanting, and no summary estimation could take the place of it.
The manometer registers this as a fall in the internal pressure of the jar.
Bell observed that his manometer moved up from 0.05 to 0.6 atmospheres.
This pressure can easily be measured with a manometer.
I am curious to replace the barometer by the manometer."
The amount of mercury in one commercially available manometer is about 88 grams, or just under two ounces.
The pressure inside the chamber can be measured and controlled by a capacitance manometer.
The log indicated moderate speed, the manometer a depth of about sixty feet.
I looked at the manometer; it showed a depth of sixty feet, to which atmospheric heat could never attain.
Wilson was a fan engineer by trade and invented the first inclined Manometer to go into commercial production.
It consists of a bulb connected by a capillary tube to a manometer.
The patient breathes through a device called a manometer, which measures the pressure and sends the information to a computer.
You still need a vacuum pump and manometer .
Bell carefully watched the manometer on his wrist.
Soon the Nautilus returned to her native element, and the manometer showed that she was about thirty feet deep.
Captain Nemo never took his eyes off the manometer.
Soon, too, the manometer indicated an ascending movement.
The 'manometer' is generally known as a pressure gauge.
Additional manometers can be installed for use with hand held probes, which are used to explore local flow conditions in the port.