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Based on his career, the mantra seems to have worked.
Perhaps he thought a mantra was a make of car.
Getting the call right has always been the game's mantra.
Why play when you can learn? seems to be the mantra.
The mantra now should be take one game at a time.
Getting on and doing the job seems to be her mantra in life.
One has to be strong enough to hold the power of the Mantra.
My whole mantra has just been to play and see where I end up.
This is not a mantra only for the good times.
The mantra for older women should be “less is more”.
The team’s mantra in the weight room is win today.
This is a great mantra to use with my team.
Our mantra has to be that every child can learn.
You know, I decided this year to use a mantra.
Let that be your mantra for the next few months.
The mantra is in place, now they just need the vote.
Yet this time around, ready money once again is the mantra.
That is a mantra I have often heard from such men.
No, they just keep going - the public will pay is their mantra.
When we did break something, our common mantra was "good enough for government work."
We've just to got to keep going with the same mantra and get it right.
But Belichick’s team lives by the mantra of playing 60 minutes — and never more so than this week.
The senior players need to use that as their mantra.
"Anyone but Bush" has become something of a mantra here.
"The future will take care of itself" is her mantra.
Through an eye you remain a variable in the Mantram complex.
So, in your concepts, what results is an iconic Mantram.
No meditation work should be done until this mantram as been invoked.
The mantram is to be used frequently throughout the day, at opportune moments.
The mantram, according to Easwaran, needs to be a sacred phrase, not simply one you make up yourself.
What do you mean by a Mantram fix?
This method of mantram repetition, and the larger program, was developed for use in any major faith tradition, or outside all traditions.
When I take the picture a lens forms just long enough to focus the elements of your body into a Mantram fix.
The Great Invocation is a mantram or prayer for the coming of an enlightened world.
This power appears in water through the Prokshana Mantram.
Late in the book, Easwaran describes how the mantram can be combined with other spiritual practices, such as meditation.
It's not that we will only meditate, but the mantram will pressure us to serve Radharani.
AUM is a mantram or word of power.
It takes the camera to fix you, so that you are an iconic invariant in the Mantram.
Yet another mantram asks the assembled guests to bless the bride and then retire to their own individual homes peacefully.
Before offering a flower we put some Ganges water on it and recite the mantram:
In some of your legends you have the notion of a Mantram, or what you consider magical spell.
By this same means we may also transform ourselves with appropriate meditation accompanied by the mantram:
Repetition of a mantram (mantra, or prayer word)
It is called the Soul Mantram.
Easwaran's approach is distinctive, in that he recommends a method of sitting meditation that does not focus on the mantram.
With only slight variation, each edition of the Mantram Handbook has contained the same 12 major parts:
Youngsters in this village are contributing their social works on humanitic grounds through many federations called Narpani mantram.
And so many liberated sages are showing their respects to that central sound from which all these mantram of the Vedas have emanated.
Mantram denotes the chant, or "knowledge."