Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
However the British manual alphabet was used in the early years.
By 1720, the British manual alphabet had found more or less its present form.
Occasionally some little boy or girl will try to learn the manual alphabet.
It is one of the oldest manual alphabets still in use.
Two of the teachers knew the manual alphabet, and talked to her without an interpreter.
These are largely similar to the letters of the American manual alphabet.
Just here, perhaps, I had better explain our use of the manual alphabet, which seems to puzzle people who do not know us.
The manual alphabet is that in use among all educated deaf people.
I read her lips almost exclusively, (she does not know the manual alphabet) and we get on quite well.
Several manual alphabets in use around the world employ two hands for some or all of the letters.
The most widely used modern descendant is the American manual alphabet.
Many people are now able to use the manual alphabet but communication still poses the outstanding problem.
There is a proposed manual alphabet as part of the Signuno project.
It delighted me inexpressibly to find that they knew the manual alphabet.
She taught it to Laura, and from that time on the manual alphabet was the means of communicating with her.
Just think, she cannot use the manual alphabet!
A manual alphabet for spelling Spanish has been developed.
At first she talked to Mae by printing on her hand, but soon learned the much faster manual alphabet.
Miss Keller talks to herself absent-mindedly in the manual alphabet.
The French manual alphabet was published in the 18th century, which has arrived basically unchanged until the present time.
Mr. Gilman read all the papers to me by means of the manual alphabet.
On the whole, if they cannot be taught articulation, the manual alphabet seems the best and most convenient means of communication.
And though it took some doing, before long she was speaking with the manual alphabet fluently enough to make puns.
After having seen a play where a deaf boy communicated by gestures, he was inspired to create a manual alphabet.
There are two families of manual alphabets used for representing the Latin alphabet in the modern world.
He reasoned that a deaf and blind child would have most use of learning to speak (rather than using e.g. the finger alphabet).
I then said to her with the finger alphabet, "wind fast," or "wind slow," holding her hands and showing her how to do as I wished.
Ameslan is gestural and very different from the British 'deaf and dumb' language which is a finger alphabet not unlike its aural equivalent, the morse code.
Frau Grote, my German teacher, and Mr. Gilman, the principal, were the only teachers in the school who learned the finger alphabet to give me instruction.
Bonaventure in the 13th century used a finger alphabet, and the medieval Monasteriales Indicia describes 127 signs used by Anglo-Saxon Benedictine monks.
Travelling Franciscan monks used finger alphabets, possibly as memory aids for preaching, and in Benedictine monasteries, signs representing words were used for limited communication when silence was required.
These manual alphabets (also known as finger alphabets or hand alphabets), have often been used in deaf education, and have subsequently been adopted as a distinct part of a number of sign languages around the world.
While the usual purpose of the Latin and Greek finger alphabets described by Bede is unknown, they were unlikely to have been used by deaf people for communication - even though Bede lost his own hearing later in life.
Beginning with R. A. S. Macalister in 1938, several writers have speculated that the 5th century Irish Ogham script, with its quinary alphabet system, was derived from a finger alphabet that predates even Bede.
They, therefore, advocate the "Combined Method" -i.e., the main instruction being carried on by means of the finger alphabet and signs, articulation and lip-reading being taught as accomplishments to those who show aptitude for receiving such instruction."
He had mastered the finger alphabet and devised a phonetic system to aid the deaf to enunciate more clearly, an invention that endeared him to Dr. Bell, who together with his father was deeply interested in what they called "visible speech."
It is very remarkable, that as we dream in words, and carry on imaginary conversations, in which we speak both for ourselves and for the shadows who appear to us in those visions of the night, so she, having no words, uses her finger alphabet in her sleep.
And when at last, endeavouring to communicate with the deaf gentleman by means of the finger alphabet, with which he constructed such words as are unknown in any civilised or savage language, he took up a slate and wrote in large text, one word in a line, the question, 'How - do - you - like - it?'
However the British manual alphabet was used in the early years.
By 1720, the British manual alphabet had found more or less its present form.
Occasionally some little boy or girl will try to learn the manual alphabet.
It is one of the oldest manual alphabets still in use.
Two of the teachers knew the manual alphabet, and talked to her without an interpreter.
These are largely similar to the letters of the American manual alphabet.
Just here, perhaps, I had better explain our use of the manual alphabet, which seems to puzzle people who do not know us.
The manual alphabet is that in use among all educated deaf people.
I read her lips almost exclusively, (she does not know the manual alphabet) and we get on quite well.
Several manual alphabets in use around the world employ two hands for some or all of the letters.
The most widely used modern descendant is the American manual alphabet.
Many people are now able to use the manual alphabet but communication still poses the outstanding problem.
There is a proposed manual alphabet as part of the Signuno project.
It delighted me inexpressibly to find that they knew the manual alphabet.
She taught it to Laura, and from that time on the manual alphabet was the means of communicating with her.
Just think, she cannot use the manual alphabet!
A manual alphabet for spelling Spanish has been developed.
At first she talked to Mae by printing on her hand, but soon learned the much faster manual alphabet.
Miss Keller talks to herself absent-mindedly in the manual alphabet.
The French manual alphabet was published in the 18th century, which has arrived basically unchanged until the present time.
Mr. Gilman read all the papers to me by means of the manual alphabet.
On the whole, if they cannot be taught articulation, the manual alphabet seems the best and most convenient means of communication.
And though it took some doing, before long she was speaking with the manual alphabet fluently enough to make puns.
After having seen a play where a deaf boy communicated by gestures, he was inspired to create a manual alphabet.
There are two families of manual alphabets used for representing the Latin alphabet in the modern world.