Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
So, here are three questions I'd challenge every person working on any marketing project to ask.
They are also in charge of creating a company brand image through various marketing projects.
The agency will continue to do some promotional and local marketing projects for Domino's.
His public relations and marketing projects included several for national and multinational companies.
Their 15-week competition begins with a marketing project for Sam's, the members-only warehouse business.
He left in May 2001 and has handled a series of tourism and marketing projects since then.
He will initially be based in Munich, working on European marketing projects.
He is/was an extensive, well coordinated marketing project based on a fraudulent goody-two-shoes image.
On the other hand, few small and medium businesses are likely to have time or budgets to justify every marketing project that requires graphical services.
As an immediate response to this desperate situation, this social marketing project offers a simple and affordable solution.
Burnett, which has handled a marketing project for the last nine months, was named as the first agency to handle Andersen's corporate image advertising.
He launched the party's first nationwide qualitative research programmes and its first national direct marketing projects.
It's also the first auto maker to participate in a so-called cause-related marketing project aimed at homosexuals.
His mother is the marketing projects manager at the Minneapolis Children's Medical Center.
A marketing project supervisor for Newsweek magazine, she graduated from Cornell University.
The Deep Sea Special was a technology demonstration and marketing project, and the watch never went into production.
Marketing projects are almost always vague.
I have been back to volunteer with Global Generation now for more hands-on gardening and also a commercial marketing project."
One has joined Ernst & Young, the accounting firm, where she will do marketing projects for its environmental consulting group from now until next fall.
Success often depends on building ties to leaders who have histories of university bashing, and marketing projects to communities that mistrust universities.
Dr David Kocurek, chief executive, makes the new plane sound an easy marketing project.
The Social Marketing Project was initiated in 1974 when AI.
One was a coffee table book about the city of Houston entitled Gateway to the Future, produced as a marketing project for the publisher.
FCB Chicago is to work on what was described as "selected marketing projects."
It said, To integrate his grasp of the subject, the student must now do a complete marketing project, getting a specific product wanted and accepted by consumers.