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Today, only a few traditional schools teaching internal styles train martially.
He was skillful in subterfuge and martially disciplined.
Socially, the Liosan appear to be martially organized and hierarchical, led by warrior-priests.
Spurius Albinus is not martially inclined, it would seem.
He remained motionless and let her pass on the sidewalk, her heels clicking martially on the pavement.
Martially, Sultan Shire presided over an extensive cavalry, with subsidiary commanders that were likewise under his immediate charge.
He could see her below, crossing the floodlit courtyard, the tattoo of her high heels against the cobblestones echoing martially up between the surrounding buildings.
Elend and Vin's government was a thing of wartime necessity-a utilitarian, martially organized alliance of cities.
He was more authoritative, more martially erect than he had been when Van Duyn had first met him.
European martial arts become tangible in Greek antiquity with Pankration and other martially oriented disciplines of the ancient Olympic Games.
The Martial races theory was a British ideology based on the assumption that certain peoples were more martially inclined as opposed to the general populace or other peoples.
The Cossack dances, with or without spear, come off martially and with bravura, with Valery Magitov executing the seemingly impossible throughout the program.
Only Marko and Bruce were the genuine article, as well as himself, of course; and not forgetting Fotheringham, though his professionalism was less martially manifest.
The Senate still controlled North Africa, an important regional producer of grain, as well as Illyria and Macedonia, two martially strategic regions with several legions.
He was greeted by the prefect of the Zhuhai Shi-Guangdong Province Control, who strode purposefully, martially, enthusiastically, towards him.
Druids and rangers both play a role of wilderness adventurer in Dungeons & Dragons, but a ranger is more martially inclined, while a druid has more magical skill.
It had been promised to him, he affirmed, straightening his bent back martially, "many years ago, for my valour in the wars with the wild Indios when a young man, senor."
The Ancient Greeks often used single-edged blades in warfare, as attested to by art and literature; however, the double-edged, straight, and more martially versatile xiphos is more widely represented.
West Pakistanis believed that Bengalis were not "martially inclined" unlike Pashtuns and Punjabis; the "martial races" notion was dismissed as ridiculous and humiliating by Bengalis.
Some fencers argue that draw cuts are not martially sound techniques and make cutting a due tempi ("double time") action, whereas a percussive cutting action would be in stesso tempo ("single time").
Many health-oriented schools and teachers believe that the martial practices of neijia are no longer necessary in the modern world, as well as claiming that students may not need to practice martially to derive a benefit from the training.
He remained motionless and let her pass on the pavement, her heels clicking martially on the pavement The street was not crowded, but neither was it deserted; there were perhaps a half dozen people on the block.
A spit-and-polish place, with windows overlooking the museum's martially furnished main hall - it is filled literally to the rafters with tanks, guns and fighter planes - the Imperial War Museum shop stocks an interesting selection of wartime posters.
A man as martially inclined and physically active as Gaius Marius sought sexual solace only when its absence was recollected by a chance encounter with some attractive woman, and his life had not been distinguished by many such.