Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Of the several newspapers in mass circulation, three are English.
They include modern media such as radio, television, and mass circulation newspapers.
Does it signal a trend that the company is willing to sacrifice quality for mass circulation?
The very fact they are bought and read daily by millions of people gives mass circulation newspapers an undeniable political role.
British politicians have feared that these mass circulation papers would swing elections against them.
Try hard to relate it to all that you have heard about the mass circulation weekly up to now: "Yes, America at its best!"
Perhaps a government subsidy, sourced from entertainment tax, should have been applied in the interests of mass circulation.
Thus, he is still a long way from mass circulation -about 70 copies is his maximum.
There will be a mass circulation magazine, TV shows, books, movies based on magazine stories.
Sadly, commentators and writers in the mass circulation dailies sometimes lack the ability to discriminate.
"It will become harder for lightly capitalized, small magazine entrepreneurs to reach a mass circulation necessary to survive," he said.
The paper was the first in the world to reach mass circulation due to its early adoption of the steam-driven rotary printing press.
Syria banned mass circulation of the daily, while its online edition was not banned in 2005.
Can a mass-circulation tabloid newspaper prosper with something less than the mass circulation of old?
But The Sun, a mass circulation tabloid, was unreconstructedly antagonistic.
They include modern media such as radio, television, and mass circulation newspapers that convey information to many people over long distances, but have short exposure times.
The figure of the media proprietor first became prominent in the 19th century with the development of mass circulation newspapers.
Newspapers: The framing of geopolitical events in mass circulation newspapers has been addressed by a number of authors.
Compared to other mass circulation papers in Israel, Haaretz uses smaller headlines and print.
He contends that successful publishers should put less emphasis on increasing mass circulation and concentrate more on publishing smaller magazines aimed at specific readers.
The only game in town was mass circulation, and that was to be achieved by NoS becoming an aggressively popular tabloid.
But 1927 is only some thirty years away from the beginnings of the mass circulation press in Britain and so can hardly be justified as a bench mark.
There are several newspapers in mass circulation in Thailand with Thai Rath being the most popular.
From television talk programs to mass circulation newspapers, Japanese reacted skeptically on Sunday to their prime minister's trip to North Korea.
Each of Britain's mass circulation tabloids employs a royal watcher whose role in recent years has evolved from respectful chronicler to raucous muckraker.