Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"In fact, nothing has happened to change the situation materially."
Most expected more, both materially and in the attention they will never get.
"It's hard for me to see how his vote in the case would help her materially, one way or the other."
God has been good to me both materially and mentally.
Just now you can help us materially by answering a few questions.
Half a standard hour passed, in which the situation did not change materially.
Four hundred years have gone over us, but I believe we are not materially changed since that period.
He had several temporary jobs to materially help his family.
"Has anything changed materially since last we discussed the matter?"
The facts of that case were not materially different from this one.
"You are materially changed since we talked on this subject before."
It is materially impossible that I should have brought anything to.
But he said it was too early to say whether the changes caused by technology were materially different from others in the past.
She was more materially than personally involved with life, even when it came to her only child.
A society where people really believe that success can only measured materially.
These positions are not materially different than those of other parties.
The chances of it doing so have increased materially since last month.
Will the ability to think such thoughts improve your life materially?
On the other hand, I could find nothing to suggest that his general health was materially affected.
All witnesses against him would gain materially by his death.
The first is that people living under the poverty line are materially much better off than they were three decades ago.
How many of his students become materially wealthy, he claimed not to know.
"Matters have not materially changed since you asked three point two four minutes ago, Captain."
They have not changed materially in a thousand years and are still employed today.
That rent had not changed materially for more than a decade.