Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It is a matter of common interest at this point."
Or was it simply a matter of common interest breaking down the barriers?
As you can see, the Commission is following its own recommendations in trying to make unemployment a matter of common interest.
Allow nations to set their own rules over everything that is not directly concerned with trade or other matters of common interest.
This group continues to meet regularly to discuss matters of common interest.
This was to "look into matters of common interest between the two sides.
Meetings are held on a regular basis two or three times a year, at which members discuss matters of common interest.
Methodist leaders met regularly to organise their work and to agree on matters of common interest.
It should be borne in mind, however, that under the Treaty, exchange-rate policy is a matter of common interest.
"We look forward to continuing our efforts to build a productive relationship with Serbia on matters of common interest.
For example, the Heads of academic departments meet to discuss curriculum matters of common interest.
Promote the appointment of joint committees to study matters of common interest and concern.
It's a matter of common interest.
This is certainly a matter of common interest for Member States and it does indeed complement the workings of the internal market.
Although expressed simply, it is assumed that the necessary liaison takes place between the sub-systems of the model on matters of common interest.
It said Olympia & York had also disclosed its interest in talking to other shareholders about "matters of common interest."
The Senate's powers are essentially supervisory and policy making, enabling the four Inns to speak with one voice on matters of common interest.
Article 120: 'The Member States regard their economic policies as a matter of common interest and coordinate them in the Council'.
The men kept regular "brothers' meetings" where they made decisions on matters of common interest and reported on noteworthy events in each of their lives.
We have already reached agreement on six statements, and I am sure that we shall be able to agree on many other matters of common interest.
The following are defined as matters of common interest 'for the purposes of achieving the objectives of the Union':
Concrete work must begin in order to establish partnerships with key actors with regard to regulatory approaches in all matters of common interest.
On the other hand, there will be far fewer matters of common interest and there will be much greater demand for decentralisation.
Thirdly, as Mr Karas quite rightly points out in his report, economic policy is a matter of common interest which deserves to be coordinated.
It is a GIE whose aim is to represent the 17 teams in all matters of common interests.