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"We are all well over our maximum permissible dose of hard radiation; everyone report to the hospital on the double for treatment.
After trials on animals, this maximum permissible dose was reduced to 0.65 g or 0.04 Ci.
Maximum permissible dose for use in cosmetics was set to 15 ppm in year 1997.
The other with the maximum permissible dose on its label, and the names of counteracting substances which would neutralize it.
The eye lens seems to be the most sensitive organ to beta radiation, even in doses far below maximum permissible dose.
The maximum permissible dose of IMO that does not cause gastric disturbance is estimated at 1.5 g/kg body weight, which is higher than for any other sugar substitute.
At one point it indicated he was absorbing radiation for less than a minute at a rate of 500 roentgens an hour (the maximum permissible dose for nuclear power plant operators is 5 roentgens a year).
In the second change, the new law calls for establishing a maximum permissible dose of radiation that any individual may receive as a result of leaks from Yucca Mountain but does not mention a limit on the total dose to the population.
The Environmental Protection Agency says the new policy is too lenient and plans to issue a rule in two years that could override portions of it, adding stricter criteria on the maximum permissible dose from material recycled or disposed of without controls.
Prior to the accident, the maximum permissible dose for Japanese nuclear workers was 100 mSv per year, but on 15 March 2011, the Japanese Health and Labor Ministry increased that annual limit to 250 mSv, for emergency situations.