"means" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "means" in inglés

means ***

Plural form: means
  1. sposób, środek, środki
    You can use different means of transport in our city.
    What means of communication do you prefer?
  2. środki (utrzymania), zasoby (finansowe)
    We don't have any means to live here.
    They are out of means.
Irregular forms: meant past tense, meant past participle
  1. mieć na myśli [TRANSITIVE]
    What do you mean?
    I know what you mean.
  2. zamierzać [TRANSITIVE]
    I mean to open a hotel.
    I never meant to offend you!
    I didn't mean to hurt you.
  3. znaczyć, oznaczać, wyrażać [TRANSITIVE]
    This word means entirely something else in her language.
    This means we can't go.
    Following a diet means being careful about what you eat.
  4. mówić serio [TRANSITIVE]
    You won't get supper if you don't clean your room, I mean it.
    Do you mean it?
  5. mieć znaczenie [TRANSITIVE]
    His words don't mean a thing.
    Your gift means a lot to me.
  1. złośliwy, wredny, podły
    Don't be so mean.
    It was mean of you to eat the whole cake.
    link synonym: malicious
  2. średni technical
    I need a screw of a mean size.
    consulta también: medium
  3. nędzny literary
    Your writing style is rather mean.
    She was wearing a mean coat and an old hat.
    antonym: proud
    consulta también: poor, miserable
  1. średnia
    Did you calculate the mean?
    The mean of the age was 15.
    link synonym: average

Frases relacionadas — "means"

of means = zamożny, bogaty (o osobie)
Ver también: independent meanscorrective meanscoercive meanslawful meansnarrow meansavailable meansample meanssufficient meansretaliatiory meanscoercive means, coercive measuresprivate meansamphibious meansinvestment meansby no meansaid meanscorrective measures, corrective meansmeans of implementationways and meansman of meansstatements of meansby all meansmeans-tested benefitmeans of communicationmeans of transport, means of transportation, modes of transport, forms of transport, forms of transportation, modes of transportation, methods of transportation, methods of transportmeans of productionmeans of coercionmeans of accessing informationmeans of increasing job-securitymeans of appealmeans of appeal with devolutive charactermeans of compulsion, means of constraint, measures of compulsionmeans of penitentiary treatmentmeans of personal protectionmeans of precautionmeans of prevention of aggressionmeans of punishment not involving loss of libertymeans of supportmeans of recruitmentmeans of identificationmeans of collective protectionmeans of maintenance, means of subsistencemeans of preventing aggressionmeans of public transportmeans of recoursemeans of subsistence for lifemeans of escapemeans of conveyancemeans of carriagemeans of commercial policy, means of trade policymeans of egressform of travel, means of travel, mode of travela means to an endmeans of locomotion