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And it talks about writing measurable objectives for all training events.
Agree specific, measurable objectives such as a percentage increase in sales or new customers.
The group writes down both general goals and very specific, measurable objectives each year that describe leadership in behavioral terms.
And they set clear, measurable objectives and make managers accountable for achieving them.
Specify clear goals with specific and measurable objectives.
State the original and specific measurable objectives, anticipated milestones, and outcomes.
Agree specific, measurable objectives for what you want to achieve - eg cost savings and increased efficiency.
As companies translate strategy into measurable objectives, profit mapping then bridges the gap between planning and execution.
They are located conveniently within the EU 2020 strategy, which defines poverty as one of its five measurable objectives.
Each employee works towards measurable objectives.
Program outcomes are based on the specific measurable objectives set by the institutional PREP.
Its prime function is to keep track of the inputs, outputs and outcomes of projects to meet measurable objectives.
"In fact, I'll make the radical assertion that without measurable objectives as our starting point, we are engaging in something akin to malpractice," he added.
For we must now set priorities that have genuine measurable objectives and we must allocate adequate resources to achieving them.
The Agency should improve its annual work programme by including specific and measurable objectives both at policy area level and at operational activity level.
I welcome the introduction of activity-based budgeting, and the setting of clear and measurable objectives will greatly aid the budgetary process.
The annual progress report should include a statement of the goals, measurable objectives, and milestones, as proposed in the application and correlate the outcomes to the objectives.
Moreover, in preparing the budget review, I have promoted the new focus on impact rather than input through the definition of clear and measurable objectives and key performance indicators.
I am doing so, firstly, because of the Commission proposal to develop the strategy for establishing measurable objectives and sectoral partnerships to facilitate joint projects, among other important measures.
NCLB requires states to set annual measurable objectives of proficiency in reading and mathematics, participation in testing, and graduation and attendance.
Other committee members may include individuals or faculty members from other institutions who may be able to provide insights to further the goals and specific measurable objectives of the program.
I basically agree that our European neighbours who do not yet have the prospect of membership should move from one category to the other according to their fulfilment of measurable objectives.
Efficiency and effectiveness: The Bank has to set up clear and measurable objectives in term of the portfolio quality and growth as well profitability of all its operations.
The creators of both campaigns said they had tangible goals to accomplish in the same way that conventional ads often had measurable objectives such as increasing a product's sales or market share.
To make it possible to verify the effectiveness of this instrument, clear, specific, measurable objectives must be defined for all the action plans under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).