Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But as a human being I am a wreck,' he said measuredly.
"I don't really have that kind of skill," she said very measuredly.
The new Emperor may try, measuredly and gradually, to nudge the imperial system a bit closer to the present day.
"Somebody's acting up," said Calhoun measuredly, in the blackness.
Then Scott said measuredly, "I left orders with the liner's skipper, you know."
Slowly, measuredly, Sullivan scans the area for pedestrians.
He spoke measuredly into its microphone.
Binabik spoke measuredly, as if matching his speech to the cadence of their progress.
"Everything's all right," he added measuredly.
Saul Stark paced measuredly about the figure on the sand, his arms weaving cryptic patterns.
"I think," he said measuredly, "that I am sane.
"Sweep on, you sluggards," he commanded measuredly.
- "Well then," Joe said measuredly, "that's that.
"My decision will be evident," that worthy said, measuredly, "when I say that I myself, for one, am going.
Aviger asked quietly, measuredly.
Tommy spoke measuredly, choosing words with a painstaking care, clipping the words crisply as he spoke.
He paused, and said very measuredly, "Cooperating with a plague is a highly technical business; it needs as much information as fighting a plague.
Speaking somewhat more measuredly, Feric filled the waiting void with words that struck a noble chord in every Holder breast.
He informed his helper measuredly: "Evelyn and I can't stay around here, Smithers.
A voice said measuredly,"Five-four-three-two-one."
"Hello, Lars," Maren said, measuredly.
But she forced herself to look calm and composed; she answered Riker measuredly: "You can read my report, Commander.
His nostrils flared with his deep breathing, while the lamp's yellow beams and shadows swayed measuredly across his dark angry presence and her moon-pale skin.
Pshawri replied to this glib palaver with never a word or sign, nor did aught else to break his measuredly deep breathing, his surfeit-feast of air.
It was what one music critic called measuredly, "The Sgt. Pepper's of hip-hop" [source: Kastner].