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Instead, mechanically separated meat was listed only in the ingredient list.
One tricky and very sensitive area is the question of mechanically separated meat.
Questions arose in the 1980s as to the safety of mechanically separated meat.
Because a product called mechanically separated meat may carry infectious tissue, it will also be banned.
Because it includes bone marrow, mechanically separated meat has high fat and cholesterol contents.
Objections were made to the department's plan to exempt this mechanically separated meat from labeling requirements.
Restricting the use of mechanically separated meat.
Packers have long argued that people won't buy products labeled as containing mechanically separated meat.
During the 1950s, mechanically separated meat was mostly used as a raw material for the production of hot dogs.
These restrictions were based on concerns for limiting intake of certain components in mechanically separated meat, such as calcium.
Mechanically separated meat contains lower-quality protein than that found in meat from muscle tissue, he said.
Mechanically separated meat was allowed on the market, limited to 20 percent of the meat portion of processed meats.
The industry wanted elimination of the mechanically separated meat label requirement if no more than 10 percent of a product was such meat.
In addition to poultry slaughterhouses, newcomers entered the market as they recognized the financial gains that mechanically separated meat processing allowed.
The only indication that salami, for example, was made with mechanically separated meat would be a statement on the package noting the salami's calcium content.
It stood for "mechanically separated meat," all too close to what some bloggers have in mind for the MainStream Media.
The new rules also include speedier testing of animals suspected of being ill and restricting the sale of mechanically separated meat as food.
Frozen meat grinders can process frozen blocks of meat, bacon and mechanically separated meat up to -25 C.
Mechanically separated meat (MSM)
Mechanically separated meat has been used in certain meat and meat products, such as hot dogs and Bologna sausage, since the late 1960s.
Using up to 10 percent mechanically separated meat in processed meat products would save producers millions of dollars by allowing them to use additional animal flesh for food.
As a result, in 1989, the United Kingdom tightened restrictions to help ensure pieces of the spinal cord would not be present in mechanically separated meat taken from bovines.
The current regulation requires that mechanically separated meat, or M.S.M., be listed in the ingredients and that the presence of calcium, from the bone, also be listed.
Consumer groups, which sued the Agriculture Department over mechanically separated meat labeling 12 years ago, say they are ready to go to court again to prevent a relaxation of labeling requirements.
The remaining carcase may be further processed to extract any residual traces of meat, usually termed advanced meat recovery or mechanically separated meat, for human or animal consumption.
The message needs to be out there and currently the msm is not doing it's job.
MSM are not the only group with risk factors related to methamphetamine use.
MSM is a chemical found in plants, animals, and humans.
MSM might supply sulfur to make other chemicals in the body.
More evidence is needed to rate MSM for these uses.
So it's important to test the program's effectiveness among black MSM.
In 2008 the MSM once again lost some of its supporters.
He claimed to become the leader of the MSM party.
This is particularly a problem among minority and younger MSM.
They should also understand how difficult it is for anyone to get access to the MSM.
The MSM option is still available today, though it takes a very different form.
There have been no awards of the civil MSM since 2005.
Last summer went off the MSM for a week as an experiment - pain came back.
It was the stock in trade of the MSM.
MSM had planned 5,000 residential units, a marina and a shopping center.
In this respect, MsM functions as a think-tank management school.
Gold is apparently in a bubble according to the MSM.
MSM are also at high risk for some types of hepatitis and syphilis.
These groups include patients who have not had contact with MSM or used injection drugs.
The MSM wasn't going to just take us taking down the caliph.
The MSM had decided to choose political realism and pragmatism.
This constituency has been a bastion MSM for a long time.
Why are we still seeing new infections among MSM?