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Friday 20 April - How to prevent social media fatigue?
Media Fatigue refers to stories examined and exhausted past their relevance.
Many have media fatigue.
He requested that U2 go to Sarajevo to bring attention to the war and break the "media fatigue" that had occurred from covering the conflict.
In an age of extreme media fatigue, his was a fresh voice albeit and undisputedly containing echoes of the past, often humorous and subversive yet never cynical.
The TV-generation America of today has a notoriously short attention span, and media fatigue from Sept. 11 has set in, just as it has for many other topics that once blared in the headlines.
With potential customers suffering from media fatigue, "it is incumbent upon us to find new and fresh ways to engage them," said Phil Guarascio, G.M.'s general manager of marketing and advertising.