Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Media pundits began questioning the high salaries that the players received.
Some media pundits say that we'll have two years of stalemate because the Republican majority is too small.
The public interest in the details may also help explain the gap between the Washington media pundits and the polls.
In analysis of both events, the movie has been raised as an illustration by columnists and other media pundits.
Above all, party leaders fear being accused by media pundits of waging "class warfare."
Political arguments are used by academics, media pundits, candidates for political office and government officials.
Its popularity, media pundits observed, suggested that television commercials were more interesting than the programs they interrupted.
And it's a romantic comedy, which, if you're listening to what the media pundits are saying, is what we really need right now.
A more catchy name will have to await the legions of political consultants and media pundits.
One can only hope that policy-makers (and knee-jerk media pundits) will take to the trouble to read beyond the title.
Some media pundits say there isn't one.
Media pundits, with few exceptions, have unhesitatingly supported the current government and its hard-line positions.
We hear this from assorted media pundits.
Conservative media pundits criticized Lampson's decision to run in the 22nd.
The move prompted speculation among media pundits and Johnson's supporters as to whether he was laying the groundwork for a 2012 presidential run.
With the return of the entire 2006 championship team, the Gators were named preseason favorites to repeat by many media pundits.
And after years of bashing by politicians and news media pundits, most doctors are confused about what place they occupy in society.
Media pundits called it a "cultural touchstone."
There were incidents of unofficial anti-Semitic commentary from media pundits and some mosque preachers.
This is not to participate in the blame game that has already begun as media pundits denounce and politicians defend their actions.
He selected his fellow Yorkshireman White for this role, much to the surprise of many media pundits and fans.
According to the media pundits, Casen had the party nomination for Congress in the bag.
Class bias in newsrooms, say media pundits, is prevalent in big media all over the world.
This story caused such an uproar that numerous media pundits weighed in, and (in some cases) made a delicate situation worse.
While the judgement was welcomed by most media pundits, some experts have expressed their concerns of miscarriage of justice.