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Mr President, in preparing the accession partnership for Poland, I support the short- and medium-term priorities proposed by the Commission.
We no doubt need to work on the right balance between ambition and realism, which is why we are working on medium-term priority tasks for the TEC.
In the 2012 RouteAhead report, the extension of the South Line to 210th Avenue is considered to be a medium-term priority as communities adjacent to that area are constructed.
Like the Accession Partnerships for candidate countries, the European Partnerships establish short- and medium-term priorities that those countries are required to comply with in order to move closer to the European Union.
The plan defines the medium-term priorities for Latvia's economy: support for exports, the promotion of free and fair competition, a significant reduction in the current-account deficit in the balance of payments, and the introduction of the euro in 2012.
Therefore, in its medium-term priorities in the draft partnership agreement for accession, the Council has included the requirement that conditions in Turkish prisons be changed to conform to the UN's rules as regards minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners.
The Short and Medium-Term Priority Action Programme (SMAP) and MEDA programme and all the other programmes to enhance cooperation between the European Union and third countries could also be developed in this area.
This fact is being more and more frequently and vehemently stressed on every possible occasion, both multilateral and bilateral, by our Chinese interlocutors, who have recently pinpointed the lifting of the embargo as a short- or medium-term priority in China’s relations with the European Union.
The main element in this strategy of rapprochement will be the accession partnership which is currently being prepared and which will set out the short- and medium-term priorities which Turkey must meet, in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria, in the political, economic and Community acquis areas.
Within the framework of accession partnerships the strengthening of administrative structures for coordinating social security in the States of Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Cyprus, Slovakia, Malta, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia has been given medium-term priority.
(DE) European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) action plans consist of political documents that represent a political consensus between the European Union and the individual partner countries on an agenda of political, economic and sectoral reforms and contain both short- and medium-term priorities for action.