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Examples of megathrust earthquakes are listed in the following table.
However, the duration of shaking for a megathrust earthquake is much longer.
Movement on this structure has been responsible for many large historical megathrust earthquakes.
This plate boundary has been the location of many historical megathrust earthquakes.
The megathrust earthquake was unusually large in geographical and geological extent.
If we have lots of little earthquakes will they relieve the stress building up for a megathrust earthquake?
The area has been known to host megathrust earthquakes in the past, the last occurring in 1700.
This megathrust earthquake had a magnitude of 9.3.
Since 1900, all earthquakes of magnitude 9.0 or greater have been megathrust earthquakes.
Megathrust earthquakes on this structure tend to occur in pairs, with a relatively short time gap between them.
If this theory is substantially correct, then another hazard must be added to those risks associated with major megathrust earthquakes.
Seismicity in this area is characterized by regular megathrust earthquakes along the plate interface.
Movement on this boundary causes many earthquakes; some of them are megathrust earthquakes.
Megathrust earthquakes also cause underwater landslides off the continental shelf into the deep ocean.
The quake's magnitude of 9.0 approached that of the severe 2004 megathrust earthquake.
Will Vancouver Island sink when a megathrust earthquake occurs?
The disturbances appear to have been caused by large and megathrust earthquakes that have occurred over the past 11,000 years.
Megathrust earthquake are the world's largest earthquakes.
Is all of coastal BC vulnerable to tsunamis from a megathrust earthquake?
Each of these megathrust earthquakes also spawned tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean.
Another famous example involves the Megathrust earthquakes of the Pacific Northwest.
Caused by an undersea megathrust earthquake, it led to nearly 300,000 deaths in several countries along the Indian Ocean.
Are megathrust earthquakes our biggest earthquake hazard?
How often do megathrust earthquakes occur?
Because slow slip events occur in subduction zones, their relationship to megathrust earthquakes is of economic, human, and scientific importance.