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"The more time for the alcohol to metabolize the better."
Data on how the drug is metabolized in the animal's body will also be required.
These components are metabolized in the same way, no matter the food source.
To live means to use energy, some have argued, to metabolize, to eat.
Every medication has different ways of being metabolized, or broken down, in the body.
A. We're just starting to learn the differences between men and women in how they metabolize or process drugs.
And all sugars may be metabolized by the body as fat instead of energy.
It is metabolized into its active form by the liver.
On average, a person metabolizes, or processes, one drink per hour.
It is metabolized in the body after fulfilling its purpose.
However many compounds can be metabolized by phase 2 directly.
So the inactive person's body cannot metabolize fuel as well.
It'll wear off once your body metabolizes all of the drug."
Some of them determine how individuals lay down fat and metabolize energy stores.
Until quite recently, most scientists thought food had basically one job: it was metabolized to provide energy for the cell.
"I especially don't want them metabolizing all over the carpet."
To provide this energy, stores of blood sugar and fats are metabolized.
Were nothing else available I could, in a short time, metabolize the material of this dining furniture.
Let's say you metabolized one ounce per hour, that's the norm.
His grip was strong and hot, almost as though he were metabolizing at twice the normal rate.
But the body does not always metabolize them properly.
The primary purpose of a long run is to train the body to metabolize fat as an energy source.
There are few ways of increasing the speed at which your body metabolizes food, but this is a very valuable one.
He does so by metabolizing fuels in muscular and other body cells.
Isn't metabolizing the new reality for most of us, getting the right angle on it?
For example, energy is needed to metabolise the food we consume.
They no longer eat, but continue to metabolise the energy stored in their liver.
It followed the discovery that many old people metabolise the drug much more slowly than normal.
He is intolerant to alcohol, having no enzymes in the blood to metabolise it.
Oxygen is added to replenish the amount metabolised by the user.
It is metabolised in the body to paracetamol.
In nature, there are many molecules with structures similar to sugar that we must not eat because we cannot metabolise them.
Because they are more slowly metabolised, unrefined foods supply a steady stream of energy throughout the day.
It can be metabolised to produce hydrogen cyanide, which is the source of the observed toxic effects.
Such support should be provided until the venom is metabolised and the victim can breathe unaided.
The drug is metabolised by esterases in blood plasma and liver.
It is sparingly metabolised in the liver to two inactive metabolites.
Once redistributed, the free fraction in the blood is metabolised in the liver.
Sub-lethal doses are typically completely metabolised and excreted within four days.
A single exposure, even though relatively large, may not produce toxic symptoms as the compound is quite rapidly metabolised.
These plants are undoubtedly growing in the harshest terrestrial conditions on our planet and can metabolise only for about 300 hours a year.
Very little is known about how bath salts interact with the brain and how they are metabolised by the body.
This basic environment provides conditions ideally suited to bacteria that metabolise cellulose.
Fats (triglycerides) are metabolised to give fatty acids and glycerol.
The urea waste product is initially metabolised inside the yeast cell until it builds up to a certain level.
Cyanobacteria have three possible pathways through which they can metabolise 2-phosphoglycolate.
Biological treatments use microorganisms to metabolise the organic polluting matter into energy and biomass.
Paracetamol is metabolised primarily in the liver, into toxic and non-toxic products.
Globulin is metabolised into amino acids which are then released into circulation.
Only a small portion of roxithromycin is metabolised.