Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Indeed, the use of methamphetamine goes back many years, perhaps to the 20' or 30's.
They would wait at least ten minutes he knew for the methamphetamine to take effect.
I, on the other hand, knew about drugs, including methamphetamine.
At the time, methamphetamine was the drug of choice in Philadelphia.
The region has also been noted as a center of methamphetamine production.
The stuff can be used to make methamphetamine, an illegal drug.
As of 2011 the main drug dealing activity is the methamphetamine trade.
Show had admitted "doing quite a bit of crystal methamphetamine."
If people use methamphetamine, they may take too much and get sick or, rarely, die.
A methamphetamine addict was arrested with some of my family's things in his car.
In January, the methamphetamine laboratory apparently started a fire behind the house.
Perhaps due to problems in Arkansas with methamphetamine use, the film seemed to play there particularly well.
Or at least, these dentists said, they do not report such pain while still using methamphetamine.
They fight, and Holder leaves with a bag of methamphetamine.
The book has information on how to produce crystal methamphetamine through six different methods.
There is the young woman who shot an abusive boyfriend when she was high on methamphetamine.
But rehabilitation for methamphetamine often takes longer than other drugs, and parents fall behind the clock.
The rise in local manufacture of methamphetamine has been extraordinary.
It was something about the side effects of a methamphetamine hydrochloride.
Other drugs such as methamphetamine may be available as well.
In the past year or so, methamphetamine has begun to move into some urban and suburban areas.
The clandestine production of methamphetamine, or speed, is nothing new in California.
Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that has been around for decades.
Methamphetamine has found use as both a medicinal and recreational drug.
Meth did not move by night if they could avoid it.
"Meth gave me a sense of belonging and feeling really cool," he said.
Meth care about me only because I represent power.
Meth has a devastating impact on users, their families and communities.
Meth did not enjoy traveling by night, but that was the safer time.
"Meth production is to some degree a social activity in the same way as identity theft."
He took and inserted it, noticing that Meth did not wear one.
Meth is destroying families in counties all across America.
Meth filled two glasses from the bottle of pale liquid.
Meth did not mechanize simply for the sake of efficiency.
Meth ribs ran parallel to the ground rather than perpendicular.
The data from the Meth Project's survey are listed below.
"Meth users, on the other hand, that's all they have, is time.
Mrs. Meth said that younger women, particularly, were in denial about their risk.
Meth touched his glass, but did not lift it.
As of 2010, the Meth Project has expanded its media campaign into seven additional states.
Meth is a real scourge in our state and it isn't going away quietly.
Meth were talking about a ghost darkship for a while.
Meth and cocaine addicts, particularly males, respond to cognitive behavior therapy.
I found a portable spike and jabbed up a big jolt of Meth.
That wasn't done in a timely way with Meth, and now we have a devastating epidemic.
When he finishes rapping it explodes and Meth is flung far away.
Meth has been called the poor man's cocaine."
"We have a mission for you, Captain," Meth said, still echoing.