Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Central microfiche is in Chicago, but we got a backup here.
Records had to be kept on microfiche, which many people younger than 25 have never seen.
In ten years we have moved from microfiche to computer disks.
So that meant when she found the article on microfiche, there'd be a picture, too.
An estimated 174,000 books and the microfiche collection were destroyed.
Single microfiche are cut from rolls of 105 mm film.
These indexes and/or microfiche may be available in a local library.
But there's more to it than simply committing the documents to microfiche.
Last week I sat for six hours looking at microfiche in the tax assessor's office.
The magazine is available on microfiche in many large Australian libraries.
I work five days a week, and in August, when we do the microfiche update, it'll be six.
Even scholars can only look at Presidential manuscripts on microfiche.
The original microfiche content is not yet available in electronic format.
Until recently, your task would have required hours of scrolling through microfiche.
But he was allowed to use the microfiche readers.
All this was copied onto microfiche, for access at these readers on the floor.
One of the microfiche machines was being used against one wall.
She stood and paced in front of the microfiche projector.
Peter has found some microfiche which seems to show details of Naval secrets.
The hard copy medium may be paper, microfilm or microfiche.
Several documents and journals from the archive were published as microfiche.
In recent years demand for copies of microfiche records has reduced dramatically.
All microfiche are read with text parallel to the long side of the fiche.
Copies on microfiche are available from the Technical Reports section.
I was near the far wall in front of the row of microfiche machines.