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Instead of microwave cavities, these use devices called undulators.
The vertical lasers push the caesium ball through a microwave cavity.
Below the microwave cavity, the descending atoms are probed with several laser beams.
Interrogation: The atoms follow a fountain-like course, passing through the microwave cavity twice.
The core of the atomic clock is a tunable microwave cavity containing a gas.
Charged beams may be further accelerated by use of high resonant, sometimes also superconducting, microwave cavities.
Place the sealed vessel in the turntable inside the microwave cavity and install the pressure control system according to the manufacturer's instructions 3.
In this tube there are two microwave cavity resonators, the "catcher" and the "buncher".
Remove the turntable and vessels from the microwave cavity and cool in air to ambient temperature.
One shutter will be placed just above the magneto-optical trap and the other just below the microwave cavity.
A small fraction of the signal in the microwave cavity is coupled into a coaxial cable and then sent to a coherent radio receiver.
The receiver then downconverts microwave cavity frequencies to a lower frequency that can be easily digitized and saved.
Air-filled microwave cavities confine electric and magnetic fields to the air spaces between their walls.
An additional cup holder would slide into the microwave cavity, to prevent beverages placed inside the oven from tipping and spilling.
In certain types of masers it is common to use storage quartz bulbs in microwave cavities.
A numerical example is discussed in which we assume the use of a confocal Fabry–Perot resonator for the microwave cavity.
We have characterized the superconducting properties of the layers using a microwave cavity method at 30 GHz.
This optical technique has many similarities to an older frequency-modulation technique developed by Pound for microwave cavities.
The acceleration voltage is an important quantity for the design of microwave cavities for particle accelerators.
The microwave cavity within the magnet bore is at the heart of ADMX.
The light generated by an electrodeless lamp is considered incoherent and the coherent signal is produced in a microwave cavity.
The storage bulb is in turn inside a microwave cavity made from a precisely machined copper or silver-plated ceramic cylinder.
Minicharged particles would result in vacuum magnetic dichroism, and would cause energy loss in microwave cavities.
However, with advanced microwave cavities made out of silver-plated ceramic, the gain factor can be much higher, thereby requiring less hydrogen atom density.
Includes a pantry and fridge cavity as well as a microwave cavity and above bench storage.