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These events are sure to be followed by migration flows.
The most pressing issue is undoubtedly the question of migration flows.
These large migration flows influenced the process of nation state formation in many ways.
Unemployment, particularly among young people, is still too high and results in hopeless migration flows.
The response cannot, therefore, be to use this migration flow to question Schengen.
There is a framework programme this year that takes into consideration the management of migration flows.
To continue to talk about migration flows is absurd and goes against our humanist values.
We must have an overall approach to the management of migration flows and of borders.
The demographic development is the result of three factors: birth rate, life expectancy, and migration flows.
As to migration flows, our approach should focus on their effective management rather than their excessive control.
With new migration flows, the problem of abandoned children, which was gradually being resolved, is becoming increasingly serious and significant.
Cyber attacks, illegal migration flows and terrorism are just a few of them.
Because you are talking about net migration flows.
The report on migration has a solution for preventing migration flows.
The whole purpose of co-development is to link up these countries' policies for development in order to exercise control over migration flows.
For this reason, we are subject to considerable pressure from migration flows; as, indeed, we shall continue to be in future.
The three countries that have opened their borders have not been faced with a large-scale migration flow.
Unlike movement of capital and goods, since 1973 government policies have tried to restrict migration flows, often without any economic rationale.
The EU government organizations are developing new ways to be more effective in the control of 27 member countries' migration flows.
State policy strongly influenced the migration flow from the Caribbean islands, especially from the early 1960s.
For example, we understand why the French Government called this agreement - an important part of the policy on the control of migration flows.
Firstly, the EU should focus on the causes of migration flows.
The perspective for reducing these migration flows fuelled by instability and crisis should be prevention.
It is clear that the fight against terrorism and the management of migration flows are currently the main priorities for the European Union.
Countries on the EU's external borders are worst affected by increased migration flows.