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Scott had seen him once or twice for minor ailments.
Minor ailments are treated by the nurse at the centre.
The behaviour expert said that minor ailments were not an excuse to keep children off school.
Later in life, he also suffered constant minor ailments such as high blood pressure.
No one in the several base camps escaped the minor ailments.
The fact is, middle-class Americans are privileged to be able to worry about minor ailments.
For two months, Moffet was sick with one minor ailment after another.
Often, he said, patients come to emergency rooms complaining of minor ailments that turn out to be more serious.
But riders were healthy, fit, less susceptible to minor ailments.
All travellers with children should know how to treat minor ailments and when to seek medical treatment.
This syndrome would have accounted for several minor ailments he suffered all his life.
Pagan struggled to play through several minor ailments in 2011 and never seemed to get on track.
The dark bay was out of action with a series of relatively minor ailments for 20 months at one point.
When the common cold or other minor ailments strike you down your first line of defense may be in your own home.
A walk-in centre for minor ailments and injuries remained on the site.
There were some wondering if minor ailments could compromise the chances of both horses.
Staff members told her she had come to the wrong place for a minor ailment like Selena's ear infection.
The Cardinal, aside from some minor ailments, had been in relatively good health in recent years.
Here are some of the common minor ailments a pharmacist can help you with:
For minor ailments there are acceptable hospitals and clinics, but little in rural parts.
The clinic takes care of all minor ailments.
Instead, he asserts that the government makes it too easy for people stay home for relatively minor ailments.
If a student falls ill with a minor ailment, they are provided with treatment in the out patients department.
When patients treat themselves for a minor ailment, general advice from a magazine is not harmful, doctors mostly agreed.
Food intolerance may be the cause of many minor ailments, which may make you feel under par.