Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But to try to make them work under 64-bit is misguided, to say the least.
However, the President is misguided if he plans to have small business pay the cost.
The focus on the number of words available, he said, is misguided.
Can they really not see that their current policy is misguided?
That is more misguided than his shot was last night.
I think it was a little misguided on Paul's part.
These government efforts are now thought by many to have been misguided.
But what a misguided strategy, after all the experience of the past 20 years.
"This is exactly the sort of misguided help that you do too often."
The events of the past month show why this policy is so misguided.
Can someone tell me if that is a misguided concern?
They had been always used and misguided by different strong communities.
My father believes that the war in Iraq is misguided.
Sometimes the relationship has been a case of misguided passion.
We understand her deep but misguided feelings before she does.
This misguided effort will not get more men interested in education.
If something misguided slipped in, it would be her problem first.
The novel is everything that misguided earlier book was not.
We all have people, whether union members or professionals, who are misguided.
There seemed, in fact, something misguided about the whole enterprise.
However, you do not make the same misguided assumption in your own case.
But it does have imagination, of a very misguided sort.
Or have you come to see him as less evil and more misguided?
Yet I still say you are misguided in your intentions.
It is those on the outside who are perceived to be misguided.