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Then he went back to his former air of mockery.
After that, he pretty much made a mockery of himself.
But it makes a mockery of the whole thing too.
To be brought back to this mockery of life again?
The whole point was not to make a mockery of it.
Whatever mockery may have been in her face before was gone now.
Let them see that their words can cut you, and you'll never be free of the mockery.
He knew what had come for him, even though it made a mockery of all sense and reason.
He says it makes a mockery of the justice system.
He made the other man a mockery to his species.
Their coming made our defense of the hill a mockery.
She looked for mockery in his eyes and found none.
At the same time, the team makes a mockery of the competition.
I sense not just mockery here but a very real threat.
They've asked him to look at the case because it makes a mockery of justice.
The truth is, it made a mockery of the teacher.
There was mockery in his voice and he did not believe it.
"I will not make a mockery of the workers who risk their lives in this cause."
Again, just for a moment, the mockery showed in her eyes.
But the old note of mockery was back in his voice.
All these years of marriage could not have been a mockery.
Then he had done it himself and made a mockery of his own rules.
People said I had a made a mockery of the awards.
What a mockery of his promise to be an environmental President.
He will learn to match David's mockery and then some.