Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In its first week that seems to have worked, at least modestly.
There is some modestly higher ground to the west of the town.
The efforts are beginning to pay off, at least modestly.
Medical care, education and business services all rose, but modestly in most cases.
The experience has taught him and his family to live more modestly, he said.
Most experts said the economy was still growing very modestly.
You have done so modestly, and that is to your credit.
At 20.5 percent today, it is only modestly above the historical record.
"It is hard to tell the children they have to live modestly," he said.
All together she was a very modestly dressed small person.
"I would not go quite so far as to say that," he said modestly.
Each one is also modestly short - viewed in about six minutes.
I modestly took my place as the one and only bass.
Her business broke even or lost money in most years and she lived modestly.
"People have no idea how many of us are here," he says, modestly.
Most who lived inside the old walls were at best modestly well off.
The other two are only modestly modified, and three have been added.
But, as she revealed modestly, there was almost nothing to it.
But earnings are expected to be off only modestly from 1988 levels.
However, the theory has been extended only modestly, if at all.
He was a private individual who lived modestly despite his wealth.
He introduced the programs on camera himself and became modestly well known as a public figure.
The man lived modestly, they saw from two and a half blocks away.
Tom took some little time to explain, modestly enough, the working of his gun.
They had to live modestly in Paris and could spend little money on food.