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I turned my head and looked into her moist eyes.
She was getting moist again, and wanted him inside her.
He started at the sound of her voice, turned, and looked down into the moist eyes.
More moist, too, which was only to be expected so close to a river.
Then he looked into her eyes and his own grew moist.
When she raised her eyes, they were hot and moist.
The side that had been against my skin was hot and moist.
For this to happen, their skin has to be moist.
They are found in moist areas, especially near bodies of water.
When she looked back at him, her eyes were moist and angry.
The air here is cool and moist, as it would be over water.
Keep it moist and you will have flowers in about three weeks.
What do you recommend I use to keep my hands moist longer?
The touch of her moist mouth was more than he could take.
He gets about half of it in his hot moist mouth.
It is also important to keep the baby warm and moist.
Dead on a hot, moist night in the middle of August.
I could feel her breath now, hot and moist on my face.
Before I could stop her, she gave me a moist kiss.
She could feel the moist heat of it on her skin.
The cover was moist from where his fingers had been.
She drew away from him, and he saw that her eyes were moist.
She felt her eyes growing moist again, and did not stop to dry them.
Her eyes are still moist and a shade red, but she's under control.
The palms of his hands would be moist, she thought.