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Also, while some of them married and had children along the way, one said she waited until her 40's to choose the Mommy track.
The majority of these are women - academia's mommy track.
Women in professional jobs have workplace issues like the glass ceiling and the mommy track.
There is no easygoing "mommy track" for heads of state.
Many employers still want to put mothers on a mommy track, paying them less in exchange for time with their kids.
Her proposed alternative career track came to be called the "mommy track."
If she lands on a soft-news mommy track, that will send a clear message.
Smart women were advised to ignore the Mommy track.
The mommy track is the diminishing opportunities of women in the workforce upon becoming mothers.
Women who used to abhor the Mommy Track now pray for it.
It's called the "mommy track," The Times reported recently, and some law firms may even make it official.
Now, some of them are leading a new wave of the 90's: women working their way back from the sidelines and the mommy track.
Nothing in the structure of major corporate law firm practice or the value system under which its partners operate makes a "mommy track" inevitable.
The typical 1990s woman wants the mommy track, not the fast track.
This proposed alternative career track for women has been dubbed the "mommy track."
There they sit, on the asphalt mommy track, with one hand grasping the wheel, the other poised to turn the key.
References to the mommy track often go along with "opting out" of the workforce by leaving it permanently.
There has been widespread opposition to the concept of the mommy track from many different sectors of society.
No candidate for lieutenant governor, of course, is going to admit that the job is the ultimate mommy track.
As a man in banking, I have felt the unstated expectation of covering for my female colleagues on the "mommy track."
Neither would women; witness the mommy track.
Although some studies have suggested that taking the Mommy track often means a derailment of one's career goals, that is sometimes not true.
Perhaps they got stymied by the stigma of anything smacking of a "mommy track."
But, she said, G.E. never put her on a mommy track.
As they listened, editors hashed over whether corporations should establish a "mommy track" for women who are executives.