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From this time he gave much of his attention to a great work on monasticism in the West.
Since that time monasticism has been a power among the people and not without its influence on the course of events.
Monasticism played an important role in the development of the rituals.
Monasticism played a major role in the following cultural transformation.
It is especially associated with the practices of Christian monasticism.
Monasticism was vital to the impact of the Christian church on society in our period.
Thus eastern monasticism never really developed from its earliest forms.
For this reason, Benedict is often called the founder of western monasticism.
It is in the Egyptian desert where monasticism made its first steps.
Egypt exported monasticism to the rest of the Christian world.
From her youth, she showed an interest in monasticism.
Monasticism in its general sense we will analyze later.
With the establishment of Christian monasticism, other influential roles became available to women.
Celtic monasticism presented it, however, in a new and attractive form.
It is still used in this sense in Orthodox monasticism.
The document has been interpreted as a "watershed in the history of female monasticism".
However, due to numerous social, economic and political factors, Buddhist monasticism in the valley died.
The institution may be traced to the beginnings of Christian monasticism in the 4th century.
But Celtic monasticism was rather a cultural than an agricultural instrument.
Monasticism waned in the eight century, and so presumably did wine making.
Monasticism in particular was seen as a way of living a life of "Christian philosophy."
The development of monasticism was, in short, the cause of its diffusion.
Collective salvation was often rejected by early proponents of Christian monasticism.
On this threefold foundation all subsequent Christian monasticism was built.
The chapel offers a history of monasticism in the west through the saints portrayed there.