Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This involved environmental impact assessments and a major monitoring programme.
The island also has a turtle nest monitoring programme in place.
Some of the results of the monitoring programme were the following:
You must also have a monitoring programme and keep records of your monitoring regimes.
This is to enable environmental health officers to organise a comprehensive monitoring programme.
However, to get some idea of the true impact, it is essential to put a comprehensive monitoring programme in place as soon as possible.
The interpretation of environmental data produced from a well designed monitoring programme is a large and complex topic addressed by many publications.
In March 1988 a two week monitoring programme took place, which made a detailed site plan and a photomosaic.
The report disclosed that the Ministry of Agriculture monitoring programme for the lake had been seriously inaccurate.
The monitoring programme carried out from 1988 onwards, shows a stable population and even a slight increase of nests on the beach.
The design of a monitoring programme must therefore have regard to the final use of the data before monitoring starts.
Volunteers have assisted in the work to restore this site and there is an on-going monitoring programme for the full catchment area.
The ETP monitoring programme has been running since 1997 and is free of charge to producers.
The aim is to get more detailed information about levels of car fumes as part of the next phase of the district council's monitoring programme.
The last known feral cat was found in February 2004, since then a feral cat monitoring programme has been taking place.
The association wants an economic rehabilitation scheme and a healthcare treatment and monitoring programme at the company's expense for everyone who ever worked in the factory.
Reef Monitoring Programme.
For example, the new iBat app has been developed for a global bat monitoring programme covering at least 16 countries.
The community operates a bungalow that accommodates volunteers who stay for short-term periods assisting the locals with the turtle monitoring programme.
Succeeding reports, which drew on the work of Oxford's language monitoring programme, concentrated on developments over the previous period of twelve months.
The hydrogeologist supervised the national groundwater monitoring programme and retained overall responsibility for the computerisation of water borehole records.
During the entire tunneling activities ground movements have been documented and controlled using an extensive monitoring programme installed both inside the tunnels and above ground.
Finally, a "confirmation phase (Jan 2004 - Jan 2006) was a monitoring programme intended to confirm there were no survivors.
We have reached agreement with the International Monetary Fund on a Staff Monitoring Programme, and by all accounts our performance to date has been strong.
The Member States' control measures vary in intensity and, in relation to the overall monitoring programme, tend to be very sketchy and not very effective.
Most of the data in the report came from Federal and state monitoring programs.
After the 1976 fish kill, a regular monitoring program began.
"It is less than the whole monitoring program," he told reporters.
Thus it is important a monitoring program be put into place at the onset of construction.
The electronic monitoring program itself became a source of considerable problems for the department.
And a long-term monitoring program will ensure that the measures work.
And that is where fisheries have adequate access to current monitoring programs.
Use of a monitoring program can detect these even without a storage protect key.
Citizen volunteers help our nation's waters through many local monitoring programs.
The association hopes to begin its monitoring program soon and to attract more corporate members.
The park used to lose 100 elms a year until it started a monitoring program in 1981.
It includes the systems for measuring, reporting, and monitoring program performance.
Still, a continuous monitoring program might turn up something.
This involved environmental impact assessments and a major monitoring programme.
Monitoring programs are implemented to register any changes in population sizes.
He has instituted a monitoring program to ensure the desired changes are put in effect.
Desktop monitoring programs have the ability to record every keystroke.
Some police departments decided to place officers with histories of abuse in special monitoring programs.
"I heard about frog monitoring programs cropping up around the Chicago area," he said.
The county is intensifying its monitoring program and mosquito control operation.
Development practices without combining them with human rights has been more effective in implementing and monitoring programs.
When water collected down there, we didn't have a monitoring program to find it."
Iraq is likely to press hard for an end to inspections, although even with some files closed, Baghdad would still face a monitoring program.
The new assessment and monitoring program includes 33 new rules for schools.
"Certainly the exposures we are talking about wouldn't indicate a medical monitoring program would be in order," he said.