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Jenny was starting to feel left out when she finally stopped having her monthlies as well.
Do not fear your monthlies for all Englishwomen have them.
Philip kept his eye on the monthlies, and a few weeks later it appeared.
"That'll probably be me, since, as you pointed out, I'm not even having monthlies yet."
"For the same reason as you don't like a man talking about your monthlies.
Deal with Nature the great greengrocer and pay regularly the monthlies.
"It's always a little bit difficult to predict because of the closing dates for the monthlies."
His poems were beginning to appear in various monthlies.
In the following year, to earn a living he edited five non-black monthlies.
She could understand the print organizations being interested - say, Cosmopolitan, or even one of the men's monthlies.
Still, it can be surprising to see what is tolerated, especially in small weeklies or monthlies.
MacCleary learned to live with what he called "the monthlies."
When she'd started her monthlies, she noticed Mama looking at her funny.
Near her monthlies, I expect, makes them feel ticklish.
'Those are good for helping the monthlies,' said a voice from behind me.
I read three dailies, four weeklies, five monthlies and no annual reports.
"I expect you bleed too much with your monthlies too, eh?"
They split the magazine into four separate monthlies, but the experiment ended in insolvency two years later.
"Knowing you, Spencer, is like knowing a woman in a perpetual state of the monthlies."
Just the usual monthlies, and weekly withdrawals for the housekeeping.'
There were numerous general magazines and a growing market in women's weeklies and monthlies.
Here there are three great dailies, ten weeklies, and three monthlies.
There are also no monthlies like Manhattan,inc. or Avenue.
"Monthlies are very different from weeklies," he said.
In the end, four magazines - two weeklies and two monthlies - got the interview.