Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Moped: Any motorcycle with engine displacement of 50 cc or less.
Moped was once one of New Zealand's most sought after Christian acts.
Moped released two albums and one EP during their career.
Moped - a type of low-powered motorcycle designed to provide economical and relatively safe transport with minimal licensing requirements.
MOPED is designed to simplify the comparison and sharing of proteomics data for the greater research community.
MOPED empowers users to visualize their own expression data and compare it with existing studies.
Moped or Motorized Scooter (class 6D): Minimum age: 14.
Moped (& Scooter) Campaign - A campaign which aimed to "rid the world of this sub-250cc menace".
MOPED is developed and supported by the Kolker team at Seattle Children's Research Institute.
Model Organism Protein Expression Database (MOPED)
MOPED employs the standardized analysis pipeline SPIRE to uniquely provide protein level expression data, meta- analysis capabilities and quantitative data.
SPIRE also connects results to publicly available proteomics data through its Model Organism Protein Expression Database (MOPED).
Disco Hits 75 (ADE P 18, compilation LP, Arcade Records 1975) (features Jaspers top 5 hit 'Funky Moped')
Disco Saturday Night 40 (PLD 8004, Double LP compilation, Pickwick Records 1978) (features Jaspers top 5 hit 'Funky Moped')
The current version of MOPED (MOPED 2.0, 2012) contains over 43000 proteins with at least one spectral match and more than 11 million high certainty spectra.
The Model Organism Protein Expression Database (MOPED) is an expanding proteomics resource that supports rapid browsing of protein expression information from publicly available studies on model organisms and humans.
Further, MOPED links to various protein and pathway data- bases, including GeneCards, Panther, Entrez, UniProt, KEGG, SEED, and Reactome.
Protein identifiers are integrated from GeneCards (cross-referenced with MOPED), GI, RefSeq, Locus Tag, UniProt, WormBase, and SGD.
He was used as an operative of Gena-Sys (and through them, Mys-Tech) until he was sent to recover the missing MOPED (Mind Operated PErsonal Dematerialization) unit, and encountered its new owner Motormouth.