Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They believe a return of prayer to schools would help halt a general moral decline.
Britain, as a whole, is not in the grip of some general "moral decline".
The book describes what the author sees as the economic and moral decline of white Americans that has occurred since 1960.
This time around he is talking mainly about agricultural policy, not abortion and moral decline.
They are also highly concerned about what they see as moral decline.
Apparently inexhaustible is anxiety over the moral decline and fall of the American people.
The idea that Britain's riots were caused by moral decline is ridiculous.
The film focuses on the moral decline within economics.
Left alone, the Husband plunges into a deep despondency over his moral decline.
Do the Tories have the answers to moral decline?
His reign is thus generally considered to constitute the beginning of Númenor's moral decline.
The collectivist welfarist society was presented as being a central part of the moral decline.
Cameron should reference that the next time he's banging on about moral decline."
It enhances the general welfare; it leads to moral decline.
It IS moral decline and it starts at the very top.
Quintilian regards this misbehavior as a sign of general moral decline.
Many who practice these have a low Wisdom score, representing a progressive moral decline that comes from practising them.
The central theme of the album is moral decline and the violent nature of humanity.
The scandals in the Grant Administration were endemic of greater national moral decline.
The moral decline began early, it seems.
The way to curb abortions, they say, is by changing the moral decline that leads to promiscuity.
King wrote an important essay on Jeremiah, the "rebel prophet" who saw that his nation was in moral decline.
Fascinating, absolutely fascinating, to read Blair comment on moral decline.
The protagonist Ethan grows discontented with his own moral decline and that of those around him.
He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic, and moral decline in archaic Athens.