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What’s more difficult is to confidently occupy the moral low ground.”
We had forfeited not just the moral high ground, but the moral low ground as well.
I like the moral low ground.
As France appeared to be taking the moral low ground, Security Council diplomats became uncomfortable.
"The Republican Party is infamous for voter suppression tactics, so they occupy the moral low ground on this issue."
The path to the moral low ground, he said, begins almost as soon as a new MP steps inside parliament.
Labour seized the moral low ground crying "Shame!" and "Disgraceful!" and "Ker-ching!"
This sentence is in direct contradiction to the abundant evidence in Mr. Bernstein's article of moral low ground and one group's loathing of another.
But he's taking the moral low ground by joining forces with Vodafone, a company that allegedly avoided a £6bn tax bill that would have paid for a year's worth of welfare cuts.
Whatever the outcome now in Iraq, President Bush and his council are not to be forgiven for the initial policy decisions that led to the moral low ground America now occupies.
With that U.N.-approved pullout, Israel completely reversed its situation: It went from holding the strategic and moral low ground, to holding the strategic and moral high ground.
It is far from alone, of course, in being a national federation taking the moral low ground to try to help its national side; it's just that to do it in a case of racism suggests a lack of awareness of how serious the issue is.
Hard to name and stubbornly mysterious, these emotional shadings would allow us to explore the moral low ground, not just its ramparts - to consider something even more horrifying than the "shredded limbs" or the torso "flayed from one end to the other" in the destruction Jaafari's wife ignites.