Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
All morphologic measurements were done without knowledge of the tissue source.
They preferred a landing site with both morphologic and mineralogical evidence for past water.
However, the topographic map of this area does not exhibit morphologic characteristics.
A theoretical morphologic approach to tooth replacement in lower vertebrates.
Then, after a moment, "I can detect clear-cut morphologic changes to the liver," he stated.
Of those, 11 are phonetic, five morphologic, one syntactic, and two lexical.
The last method used to date the faulting was the morphologic dating without numerical model.
Their varied morphologic segmentation is responsible for the area's original and highly valuable aesthetic character.
Evaluation by a cytopathologist is then performed and a morphologic diagnosis can be made.
Some cases may overlap two morphologic types.
Well documented, anatomical, factors include the morphologic characteristics of the acromion.
The color, size, and morphologic appearance (shape) of the cells help make it possible to identify the infecting organism.
At present, classification is accomplished by morphologic, immunohistochemical, and limited biological analyses.
On the basis of this morphologic evaluation, five crater ages are defined and used to make stratigraphic assignments.
Their presence and morphologic variability have been related to flow strength expressed as mean velocity or shear stress.
Approximately 85% of patients in relapse achieve morphologic remission following treatment with this agent.
However, planetwide, the morphologic evidence for an impact origin rather than a volcanic one is not compelling.
They aim to represent the full morphologic and genetic diversities within a species throughout its known native geographic range.
The Eimeria of fish have been divided into four genera based on available morphologic and life cycle data.
For comparison, the limit of what one can detect using traditional morphologic examinations using a microscope is about 1 cell in 100.
His vivid morphologic description of changes seen in the liver of yellow fever lives on today as "Councilman body".
Correlations between morphologic findings and prognosis.
Common morphologic features include the following:
The malformation shows a broad spectrum of morphologic variations and frequently results in early pulp necrosis.
There are also clear call and morphological difference between the two.
To study the problem of morphological terms and their possible solutions.
These soldiers have different morphological states from other members of the species.
Changes are likely to occur as new morphological and genetic data become available.
These morphological differences pose no health risk, and are simply a difference in form.
A morphological growth response was observed 4 hours after exposure.
However recent morphological studies indicate they are better off as two separate species.
Morphological or molecular data so far do not support this division however.
It was already previously placed there based on morphological data.
Some take the view that it may be a common morphological manifestation of more than one disease.
The species split was based on genetic and morphological evidence.
The morphological differences between them are very few and unimportant.
Thus, the general morphological form of such words is .
The conventional approach based on morphological examination is no longer popular.
We found many differences in genetic, morphological and physiological between them.
The various meanings given to the term morphological makes another difficulty.
The move significantly increased the morphological and geographical range found within the group.
Because there is no morphological distinction between the two, they are considered to constitute a single class.
Morphological differences between the two groups of birds are in fact plentiful.
They will be placed in a tribe, possibly a new one, after further morphological study.
Genetic and morphological evidence suggests more species should be recognized.
In addition to the morphological similarities, molecular studies also support a close relationship.
Their hypothesis is supported by both molecular and morphological evidence.
In spite of this there is no morphological way to separate the two species.
There is very little morphological differences between the races which makes diagnosis difficult.